perm filename GEM[00,BGB]1 blob sn#097085 filedate 1974-04-16 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	3.0	Geometric Modeling Theory.
C00008 00003	3.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.
C00014 00004		
C00019 00005		
C00025 00006	
C00027 00007	3.2	Polyhedron Modeling.
C00046 00008	3.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.
C00069 00009	
C00071 ENDMK
3.0	Geometric Modeling Theory.

	3.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.
	3.2	Polyhedron Modeling.
	3.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.

3.0	Introduction.

	In  the specific  context of  computer  vision and  graphics,
geometric modeling refers to constructing computer representations of
physical objects,    cameras,   images  and  light for  the  sake  of
simulating their behavior. In the context of Artificial Intelligence,
a  geometric model  is a  kind of  world model;  ignoring subtleties,
geometric world modeling  is distinguished from semantic  and logical
world modeling  in that it is quantitative  and numerical rather than
qualitative and symbolic.   The notion of a  world model requires  an
external  world environment  to  be modeled,    an internal  computer
environment to  hold the model,  and a  task performing entity to use
the model. In the context of formal geometry, geometric modeling is a
synthetic problem,  like a  construction with ruler and straight edge
that  requires a  list of steps  rather than  a proof  as in analytic
geometry or axiomatic geometry. The adjective  "geometric" however is
quite  apropos in that  it literally  means "world measure"  which is
exactly the activity to be automated.
3.1	Kinds of Geometric Models.
	The main  problem  of geometric  modeling is  to invent  good
methods for representing  arbitrary physical objects in a computer. A
physical object (for the moment) is something solid, rigid,   opaque,
Newtonian,    and  macroscopic  with a  mathematically  well  behaved
surface.   Physical objects include: the earth, telephones (excluding
the wire), roads (considered to be composed of pieces),   and plastic
toy  horses. In  addition,  physical objects  can be  moved  about in
space, but two objects can  not simultaneously occupy the same  space
at the  same time.  The scope of  the problem  can be appreciated  by
examining the virtues  and drawbacks of the kinds of models listed in
the box.

|							|
| Space Oriented:					|
|							|
|	1. 3-D Space Array.				|
|	2. Recursive Cells.				|
|	3. 3-D Density Function.			|
|	4. 2-D Surface Functions.			|
|	5. Parametric Surface Functions.		|
|							|
| Object Oriented:					|
|							|
|	6. Manifolds.					|
|	7. Polyhedra.					|
|	8. Volume Elements.				|
|	9. Cross Sections.				|
|      10. Skeletons.					|

	For a naive start,  first consider a  3-D array in which each
element indicates  the presence or absence of  solid matter in a cube
of space.  Such a 3-D  space array has the very desirible  properties
of "spatial addressing" and "spatial uniqueness" in their most direct
and  natural form. Spatial addressing refers  to finding out what the
model  contains  within a  distance  R  of  a  locus  X,Y,Z;  spatial
uniqueness refers  to modeling the property that  physical solids can
not occupy the same space. The  main drawback of the 3-D space  array
model is illustrated by the apparently legal FORTRAN statement:

		DIMENSION SPACE(10000,10000,10000)

The problem with  such a dimension  statement is that no  present day
computer  memory is large  enough to  contain a 10↑15  element array.
Smaller space arrays  arrays can  be useful but  necessarily can  not
model large volumes with high resolution. A further drawback of space
arrays  is that  objects and surfaces  are not  readily accessible as
entities; that  is  a  space array  lack  the desirible  property  of
"object coherence".

	The space array idea  can be salvaged (and must  be salvaged)
by noticing that  large portions of the array contain similar values.
By grouping blocks of  elements with the  same values together,   the
addressing process  becomes more  complicated but the  overall memory
required is reduced and the two desired properties can be maintained.
One  way  of  doing  this  (which  has  been  discovered  in  several
applications) is "recursive cells";  the whole space is considered to
be a cell; if  the space is  not homogeneous than  the first cell  is
divided into two  (or four or eight)  sub cells and the  criterion is
applied again. This technique of recursive celling allows the spatial
sorting of objects,  if the  object models can be subdivided at  each
recursion without losing the properties of the objects.
	In the  abstract, arbitrary  physical objects are  frequently
referred  to  as three  dimensional  density  functions W=RHO(X,Y,Z).
Unfortunately such  density  functions can  not  be written  out  for
objects such as  a typing chair or a plastic  horse without resorting
to  a  programming language  or an  extensive  table (which  would be
equivalent to interpolating in a space array model).  However, in the
special  application of geodetic  mapping, the  shape of the  land is
modeled by a two dimensional surface funtion Z = F(X,Y) which can  be
expressed in a computer, albeit requires large tables.

	By definition, a function is  single valued; consequently the
description of even modestly complicated objects can not be expressed
directly  as  a  single  function  of  orthogonal  rectilinear  space
coordinates X,   Y and Z. It is necessary  either to adopt parametric
functions  or  to subdivide  the  object  into portions  that  can be
described by  simple  functions of  Cartesian  variables. The  latter
course of subdividing objects into portions is called segmentation is
discussed below under  manifold modeling;  the former  course can  be
illustrated be the  example in figure  (**) showing (X,Y,Z)  locus of
the  surface of a unit  cube expressed as functions  of (U,V) surface
coordinates. The advantage of  parametric functions is that  extended
arbitrary curve surfaces can be  expressed; some of the disadvantages
are that  parametric curves may be self intersecting, they can not be
locally modified,  and  the  functions become  impractically  complex
before interesting objects are achieved.

	At this  point, we pass from space  oriented models to object
oriented models. I wish to point out the mysterious dicotomy  between
objects and the space that contains the  objects, and observe that it
is indeed curious  that intellectual entities group portions of their
perception into "objects" and that the objects change and interact in
spacetime. However, our goal is  merely to simulate the properties of
objects in spacetime; rather than to explain them. In this thesis the
representation of time will receive no special attention. Although an
advanced  problem solving robot  will want  to run  world simulations
along multiple time paths, the problem of running one geometric world
simulation must be solved first.

	Having postulated the existence of objects, I will proceed to
postulate   another   property  of   the  objects   to   be  modeled:
geometrically, a physical three dimensional object can be enclosed by
an unbroken  two dimensional  surface with  an unabiguous  inside and
outside.   Which brings  us to the mathematical  topic (celebrated in
song by Tom  Lehrer) of the  algebraic topology of locally  Euclidean
transitions of infinitely  differentiable oriented Riemann manifolds.
A manifold is the  mathematical abstraction of  a surface; a  Riemann
manifold  has  a   metric  function;  an  oriented  manifold   has  a
unambiguous  inside  and  an  outside;  and  the  phrase  "infinitely
differentiable" can be taken to  mean that the surface is smooth  and
	Next,   in  order  to  talk  about the  topology  of  Riemann
manifolds  it  is  necessary  to  introduce  the 0-Simplex  (vertex),
1-Simplex (edge),  and 2-Simplex  (triangle).   In Analysis,   it  is
demonstrated that  the surface of  a Riemann manifold can  be divided
into  simplexs such  that Eulers  equations F-E+V=2-2*H  is satisfied
(where F is the number of 2-simplexs, E is  the number of 1-simplexs,
V is the number of  0-simplexs and H is the genus (number of handles)
of the manfold);  and such that  the surface of  the manifold can  be
approximated  by  local  functions  over  each  2-simplex  which  are
Euclidean and  which splice together correctly  at all the 1-simplexs
(edges). Riemann manifolds provide  a modern mathematical  foundation
(i.e. calculus) for the kind of model which is the main topic of this
thesis, polyhedral models.

	Polyhedra will be carefully defined in  the next section. The
main  inherent  advantage  of a  polyhedra  is  its coherent  surface
topology of  faces,   edges  and vertices.   Such  a surface  can  be
subdivided  without losing  its  coherence or  the  coherence of  the
object.   The disadvantages of polyhedra  include the lack of spatial
uniqueness and  spatial addressing;  computation  has to  be done  to
detect and  prevent spatial  conflict or to  find the portions  of an
entity occupying  a  given  volume.   Another  disadvantage  is  that
polyhedra per se are  not curved surfaces, however by  associating an
appropriate function with each face a model of a 2-D Riemann manifold
(embedded in 3-D  Euclidean space) can  be made,   which is a  curved
object representation. 

	Arbitrary objects can also  be described by listing a  set of
cross sections  taken at a sufficient number  of cutting planes; this
is how the shape of a ship's hull or an airplane's wing is specified.
Cross sections have the interesting feature of good space modeling on
one  axis.  Forsaking arbitrary  shaped  objects,   large  classes of
things can  be described  in terms  of a  small set  of basic  volume
elements.  For  example, Roberts  and  others  have  built models  of
familar objects using only  rectangular and triangular right  prisms.
Although,  arbitrary  solid  polyhedra can  be  constructed  out  of
tetrahedrons (the 3-simplex);  no significant modeling  system exists
using this potentially interesting approach.

	Skeletal models  are based on  abstracting an  object into  a
stick figure and  by associating a diameter or set  of cross sections
with the  sticks. In particular, spine cross section models have been
pursued at Stanford  by (Agin,  Binford  and Nervatia; Blum).   Spine
cross section models have the advantage of being able to express many
object is a  concise form  suitable for recognition,   however  spine
cross section models can  not be used direclty for  arbitrary shapes.
Finally,  it is useful to  represent physical objects by  a very weak
model such as by using sets of spheres or sets of surface  points. It
is  interesting  to  note  that  the  "reality"  that  the  robot  in
Winograd's  thesis could talk about,   was a blocks  world based on a
geometric model consisting of points, size of block, and  a two paged
LISP routine name FINDSPACE.
	To the best of  my knowledge, this survey is  complete; there
are no  other significantly different kinds  of geometric models. The
desirable properties that have turned  up in this survey are list  in
the box below.


	1. Spatial Addressing.
	2. Spatial Uniqueness.
	3. Object Coherence with Divisibility.
	4. Surface Coherence with Divisibility.
	5. Shape generality.
	6. Large Extent with High Resolution.
	7. Readily Modifiable.
	8. Suitable for photometric, kinematic and dynamic simulation.
	9. Low (or even feasible) memory and computation requirements.
       10. Potential for automatic model acquistion.
3.2	Polyhedron Modeling.

	Geometrically,   a polyhedron  is a  simply connected  finite
region  of space composed of  the union of a  finite number of convex
polyhedra. A  convex polyhedron  is a  non  empty, simply  connected,
finite region  of space enclosed by  a finite number of  planes.  The
boundary  of  the  polyhedron  is called  its  surface.    The simply
connected regions  of the  surface belonging  to only  one plane  are
called faces.  The simply connected regions of  the surface belonging
to exactly two planes are called  edges; and the loci of the  surface
where three or more planes interect are called vertices.

	From the definition  and the properties of planes,  the local
topology  of faces,  edges  and vertices  can be  derived.  Edges are
bounded by two vertices and two faces. Faces are bounded by edges and
vertices. Vertices are bounded by faces and edges.

	Topologically, the  surface elements of  a polyhedron  form a
graph that  satisfies Euler's F-E+V=2-2*H equation; where  F, E and V
are the number of faces,   edges and vertices of the polyhedron;  and
where  H is  the number  of holes  in (or  genus of)  the polyhedron.
However,  not  all  Eulerian  graphs  of  faces,  edges and  vertices
correspond to solid polyhedra.

Properties of a Solid Polyhedron:

	1. Satisfies Eulers Equation F-E+V=2*B-2*H
	2. All vertices and faces have three or more edges.
	3. No edge intersects a face or vertex to which it doesn't belong.
	4. All the vertices of a face are coplanar.
	5. The volume measure is finite and positive.
3.3	Camera, Light and Image Modeling.
	Common to both computer graphics and visioN (irrespective
of the particular kind geometric model) is the necessity to model
the entities called camera, light and image so that pictures may
be synthesized or analysized.
An adequate version of the  camera  model  that has become nearly
standard in computer graphics and vision can be specified by
by ten real numbers involving nine degrees of freedom.
First there is the camera lens center locus:

		CX, CY, CZ,	in world coordinates.

Afixed to the lens center is the camera frame of reference with  unit
vectors  i, j and k. When the image formed by the camera is placed in
correspondence to a display screen, the
unit  vector  i  maps  into  the  rightward positive x of the display
screen, and the unit vector j maps into the upward positive y of  the
display screen, and the unit vector k comes out of the display screen
to form a right handed coordinate system.  Together  the  three  unit
vectors of the camera are the three by three rotation matrix:

		IX, IY, IZ
		JX, JY, JZ	in world coordinates.
		KX, KY, KZ

Next,  there  are  three  scales  which  determine the correspondence
between world size and image size. Observe that the world is measured
in physical units of length like meters or feet while computer images
come in integral sizes like 1024 by 1024 or 480 rows by 512  columns,
thus  the  conversion  scales must be in terms of logical image units
per physical world units.   In an actual television camera  a  minute
image  (say  9mm  by 12mm) is formed on a vidicon tube and that image
has a particular number of rows and columns. It is the  little  image
on the vidicon that we pretend to model by the six parameters:

		LDX, LDY, LDZ		Logical raster size.
		PDX, PDY, FOCAL		Physical raster size.

Where the number named FOCAL, is the focal plane  distance  which  in
this model (with distant objects) can safely be equated with the lens
focal length and can be given in millimeters (conventional  lens  run
12.5mm  to  75mm for 1" TV).   The integer LDZ is an artifact so that
the units come out correctly in the  Z  dimension.  Thus  the  scales
factors are defined:

	The light scattering  properties of ordinary surfaces  can be
modeled by thinking  of the surface as composed of zillions of little
differential mirrors. The orientation of each mirror is  described by
two angles,  its  tilt from the normal vector of  the surface and its
pan  about the  normal vector with  respect to  a specified reference
vector in the tangent plane of the surface. For  a perfect reflecting
surface all  the differential mirrors have  a zero pan  and tilt; for
isotropic conventional surfaces the  statistical distribution of  pan
orientations is flat and  the distribution of tilt orientations  is a
blip function; and  for a perfect isotropic Lambert surfaces both the
pan and tilt distributions are flat.